Day 1 of the Home Preschool Jump Start Special Training
For Day 1 you will be creating a weekly schedule that works with your lifestyle. Follow this step-by-step guide to map out a plan that fits in your home preschool time as well as all of your other commitments. This is one of the biggest challenges we face, so we’re going to tackle it right away.
Today’s goal: Develop a weekly schedule that works with your busy life.
Today’s tasks:
1) Decide how many days each week you will plan home preschool activities for.
2) On the days you plan home preschool activities, decide how many hours you will devote to home preschool activities (including time for adult-led activities, independent play, and outdoor play)
3) Print the Weekly Plan sheet below.
4) Map out your weekly plan by following these steps.
a. Identify the start and end times of your days (not preschool time).
b. Optional: Choose colors for different categories of activities (for example, learning time, household chores and routines, outings, family time, etc.)
c. Start by adding your “must do” commitments each week.
d. Then add in your routines like breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime.
e. Now based on your decisions in tasks 1 and 2 add in where you’ll likely incorporate home preschool activities and free play time.
f. Don’t forget to block out some time for just you! Whether you use it to exercise, read, or just relax doesn’t matter, but take time to take care of you, too.
g. Keep your completed Weekly Plan Sheet handy, because we’ll refer back to it tomorrow as we create your home preschool routine.
Additional reading (optional, but recommended):
In Develop a Weekly Plan Sheet you’ll find more detailed information to consider as you decide how much time to devote to home preschool what kind of structure you want in your weekly schedule.
Printable templates and planning sheets:
Weekly Plan Sheet (2 pages)