There are many reasons WHY people are choosing preschool at home. And when you get down to the core of it, there’s one common theme, it’s that you all deeply love your children and want the best for them. For your family home preschool seems like the right choice.
Many of you still have some nagging doubts, and they are rooted in some common myths about home preschool.
Some of you aren’t sure whether to take the leap and try home preschool.
Others of you have been preschooling at home, but you haven’t quite found your groove. And those hiccups are making you question your decision.
So let’s take some of the most common myths about home preschool head on…and crush them!
Let’s say goodbye to those nagging doubts, and get you on a path toward feeling more confident.
When I talk with other moms about their fears about teaching preschool at home the same concerns are echoed over and over again. Below are the most common themes and why they just aren’t true.
Myths About Home Preschool 
I’m not qualified to teach my kids, because I have no education background.
I realize this can be very intimidating. There’s already so much to learn about parenting in general, so adding in educational knowledge can seem a little overwhelming. However, the skills that are most valuable to learn in preschool can be easily taught and they are very in line with everyday behaviors and routines. With a little support and a few great resources, you are more than qualified to teach preschool to your children.
My kids won’t get enough social interaction.
I know. I know. They won’t be interacting with 12-18 other children every day for 3-8 hours per day, but ask yourself: Is that amount of social interaction really necessary? No, it’s not. Kids have many opportunities for valuable social interaction in their daily lives, and with a little effort you can provide even more opportunities during home preschool. Trips to the park, library story time, preschool co-ops, time spent playing with neighbors, even trips to the grocery store can be meaningful ways for kids to practice those important social skills.
They’ll miss out on special events in traditional preschool.
Well, you’ve kinda got me here. The truth is, yes, their experience will be different at home. There won’t be class parties for every holiday, and there won’t be 12-18 in-class birthday parties each year. You might not get a blurry photo of your child bouncing on the stage during the school assembly.
I’ll admit if you enjoy those aspects of preschool, then that can be hard to accept. However, if there are no class parties, that means you won’t be dashing to the store frantically grabbing items for goody bags or “donations” weekly. And without 12-18 birthday parties, your child’s sugar intake may very likely be cut in half. Don’t get me wrong. I do personally LOVE these special events, but letting go of some of the frenzy that goes along with being prepared for all of them is a bit freeing.
AND just because you don’t have a whole class to share these special events with doesn’t mean you can’t create your own or join up with some friends for a few special occasions throughout the year. There are tons of ways to do so if that is important to you.
I don’t have enough time to teach home preschool.
As parents time is likely our most precious and finite commodity, so I hear you on this one. But if teaching preschool at home is your vision, then I can certainly help you find ways to work it into your busy schedule. As I’ve said before so much learning happens in our day-to-day lives. With a little planning, a close look at your existing schedule, and some time-saving resources, we can work out a plan that works for your busy life.
We’ll go crazy being home all day.
What will we do? (cue all the veteran home preschool moms chuckling in the background)
First and foremost you’ll be busy, trust me. But you’ll also have to consider your own personality.
If you are an extrovert you might very well go crazy being home all day, but that’s easy to work around. Simply plan to head out and interact with friends a couple of times a week. There are a lot of options for doing this.
And if you’re an introvert you might also go a little crazy with the general noise and activity of a busy home preschool day. You’ll want to build quiet, alone time into your schedule so that you are getting what you need too.
As for the “what will we do?”…well that’s wide open for you to decide based upon your beliefs for home preschool education. However, I can help you focus in on that and give you ideas for filling up those days with meaningful play and learning.
I’m not organized enough.
Organization is my thing, but I realize that’s not true for everyone. With some tried and true resources and some tips, you can get organized enough to enjoy your home preschool experience. So if the thought of coming up with ideas, preparing materials, and then being able to find them when you actually need them makes you tense up in fear, then my tips and tricks for organizing and planning home preschool are just what you need.
It’s too hard.
It’s cliché but so true that nothing worth having comes easily. So yes, some parts of home preschool will be hard, but the many, many awesome parts will overshadow those trying times.
I can tell you from experience that with proactive planning, a positive attitude, and the right support, your home preschool days can be amazing.
When I first started teaching home preschool I sat back often in awe that even my toughest days teaching home preschool were far better than any other days I’d had. There’s something so rewarding about seeing your little ones light up as they discover new things and enjoy activities that you’ve spent time preparing for them.
Do This!
Alright friends, it’s time to crush the myths that are holding you back, so you’ll remember and be able to apply the ideas you’ve learned here. Read over the ideas we’ve shared for overcoming each myth outlined above. Spend some time thinking about your biggest concerns. Then brainstorm some practical ideas for overcoming them. You’ll feel better once you’ve got some concrete ways to crush those myths!
Save Time and Eliminate the Worry with our Complete Home Preschool Curriculum
Teach preschool at home with confidence using our kid-tested, mom-approved hands-on lesson plans full of playful activities to help prepare children for kindergarten and beyond.