Choosing Your Display
There are many creative ways to set up your home preschool calendar. If you have a large space you might hang your items on a wall and create a calendar wall. A calendar pocket chart can also be used for hanging calendar items.
If you have less space, you can set your calendar up on a poster board that can be hung in a small space.
For those who want the flexibility of being able to move their calendar or don’t want to hang things on the wall, a folding project board is very helpful. This also comes in handy if you are working in a small space and don’t want to keep your home preschool items out all of the time. The project board can be folded and put away when not in use.
Preparing Your Materials
We recommend printing your calendar cards on cardstock so they are sturdy. You might even print two sets, one to display and one to use for hands-on activities.
It can be helpful to laminate your calendar cards so that they will stand up to a lot of use. This laminator works well. You do want kids to be able to handle the cards.
Once you’ve printed and prepared your cards, you’ll want to decide how you will attach them to your display board. We recommend thinking about the items that will need to be changed regularly and choosing a way to display them that will make this easy. Some people like to use Velcro dots and strips. Others like adhesive magnets because they can make it a little easier for kids to attach and remove the items. If you use a pocket chart, the cards will simply be placed into the pockets.
Spend a little time thinking about how you’ll set up your calendar display and where everything will go before attaching anything.